In most cases the information that you provide in this form will satisfy the AML/CTF Act, the US Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (‘FATCA’) and the Common Reporting Standards (‘CRS’). However, in some instances the Responsible Entity may contact you to request further information. It may also be necessary for the Responsible Entity to collect information (including sensitive information) about you from third parties in order to meet its obligations under the AML/CTF Act, FATCA and CRS.
· I/We have received the PDS/IM and made this application in Australia (and/or New Zealand for those offers made in New Zealand).
· /We have read the PDS/IM to which this Application Form applies and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the PDS/IM and the Constitution of the relevant Fund/Trust in which I/we have chosen
· to invest.
· I/We have considered our personal circumstances and, where appropriate, obtained investment and/or taxation advice.
· I/We hereby declare that I/we are not a US Person as defined in the PDS/IM.
· I/We acknowledge that (if a natural person) I am/we are 18 years of age or over and I am/we are eligible
· to hold units in the Fund/Trust in which I/We have chosen to invest.
· I/We acknowledge and agree that Equity Trustees has outlined in the PDS/IM provided to me/us how and where I/we can obtain a copy of the Equity Trustees Group Privacy Statement.
· I/We consent to the transfer of any of my/our personal information to external third parties including but not limited to fund administrators, fund investment manager(s) and related bodies corporate who are located outside Australia for the purpose of administering the products and services
· for which I/we have engaged the services of Equity Trustees or its related bodies corporate and to foreign government agencies for reporting purposes
· (if necessary).
· I/we hereby confirm that the personal information that I/we have provided to Equity Trustees is correct
· and current in every detail, and should these details change, I/we shall promptly advise Equity Trustees in writing of the change(s).
· I/We agree to provide further information or personal details to the Responsible Entity if required to meet its obligations under anti-money laundering
· and counter-terrorism legislation, US tax legislation or reporting legislation and acknowledge that processing of my/our application may be delayed and will be processed at the unit price applicable for the Business Day as at which all required information
· has been received and verified.
· If I/we have provided an email address, I/we consent to receive ongoing investor information including PDS/IM information, confirmations of transactions and additional information as applicable via email.
· I/We acknowledge that Equity Trustees does not guarantee the repayment of capital or the
· performance of the Fund/Trust or any particular rate of return from the Fund/Trust.
· I/We acknowledge that an investment in the Fund/Trust is not a deposit with or liability of Equity Trustees and is subject to investment risk including possible delays in repayment and loss of income or
· capital invested.
· I/We acknowledge that Equity Trustees is not responsible for the delays in receipt of monies caused by the postal service or the investor’s bank.
· If I/we lodge a fax application request, I/we acknowledge and agree to release, discharge and agree to indemnify Equity Trustees from and against any and all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings,
· account claims and demands arising from any fax application.
· If I/we have completed and lodged the relevant sections on authorised representatives, agents and/or financial advisers on the Application Form then I/we agree to release, discharge and indemnify
· Equity Trustees from and against any and all losses, liabilities, actions, proceedings, account claims and demands arising from Equity Trustees acting on the instructions of my/our authorised representatives, agents and/or financial advisers.
· If this is a joint application each of us agrees that our investment is held as joint tenants.
· I/We acknowledge and agree that where the Responsible Entity, in its sole discretion, determines that:
· o I/we are ineligible to hold units in a Fund/Trust
· or have provided misleading information in
· my/our Application Form; or
· o I/we owe any amounts to Equity Trustees, then
· I/we appoint the Responsible Entity as my/our agent to submit a withdrawal request on my/our behalf in respect of all or part of my/our units,
· as the case requires, in the Fund/Trust.
· For Wholesale Clients* - I/We acknowledge that I am/we are a Wholesale Client (as defined in Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) and are therefore eligible to hold units in the Fund/Trust.
· For New Zealand applicants* - I/we have read the terms of the offer relating to New Zealand investors,
· including the New Zealand warning statement.
· I/We have read the “New Zealand Wholesale Investor Fact Sheet” and PDS/IM or “New Zealand Investors: Selling Restriction” for the Fund/Trust;
· I am/We are a Wholesale Investor and am/are therefore eligible to hold units in the Fund/Trust;
· And
· I/We have not
o Offered, sold, or transferred, and will not offer, sell, or transfer, directly or indirectly, any units in the Fund/Trust;
o Granted, issued, or transferred, and will not
o grant, issue, or transfer, any interests in or options over, directly or indirectly, any units in the Fund/Trust; and
o Distributed and will not distribute, directly or indirectly, the PDS/IM or any other offering
o materials or advertisement in relation to any offer of units in the Fund/Trust,
in each case in New Zealand, other than to a person who is a Wholesale Investor; and
I/We will notify Equity Trustees if I/we cease to be a Wholesale Investor; and
I/We have separately provided a signed Wholesale Investor Certification located at the end of this
Application Form.
All references to Wholesale Investor in this Declaration are a reference to Wholesale Investor in terms of clause 3(2) of Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (New Zealand).
* Disregard if not applicable.
*Terms and conditions for collection of Tax File Numbers (TFN) and Australian Business Numbers
Collection of TFN and ABN information is authorised and its use and disclosure strictly regulated by tax laws and the
Privacy Act. Investors must only provide an ABN instead of a TFN when the investment is made in the course of their enterprise. You are not obliged to provide either your TFN or ABN, but if you do not provide either or claim an exemption, we are required to deduct tax from your distribution at the highest marginal tax rate plus Medicare levy to meet Australian taxation law requirements.
For more information about the use of TFNs for investments, contact the enquiries section of your local branch of the ATO. Once provided, your TFN will be applied automatically to any future investments in the Fund/Trust where formal
application procedures are not required (e.g. distribution reinvestments), unless you indicate, at any time, that you do not wish to quote a TFN for a particular investment. Exempt investors should attach a copy of the certificate of exemption. For super funds or trusts list only the applicable ABN or TFN for the super fund or trust.